Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hey Zac

I've emailed you a couple of times; as a teacher I've had this on my mind and thought I'd ask it as I bet I'm not the only one. How far did you get in your schooling before you left on this trip?What are you education plans for the future? I'm only curious about how far you've come and what thought you've given . . . nothing can compare to the education you are getting now. I know you're very bright and wouldn't be suprised if you finished high school this past year. As a new school year approaches, I know there will be days when both the students and I will wish we were with you instead of in the classroom.

It's been said dozens of times; but, thanks for the inspiration you are to all of us, and especially to your family in the faith. God Bless you and keep you safe, and bring you back to us !!

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